
Friday, July 16, 2004

Soldiers Angels


There are many ways to let American troops in the Middle East
know that their hard work does not go unnoticed, and that they
have our gratitude for doing their job so well.

U.S. soldiers wounded in combat are getting help making the
transition back home. Volunteers from a non-profit organization called
Soldiers? Angels are sending backpacks to combat support hospitals in
Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany.

The bags are filled with personal hygiene items, clothes and get well
cards to help soldiers wounded in combat.

Tears of happiness from injured soldiers are a sign these volunteers are
doing the job they set out to do.

?I've got some beautiful letters saying how much it meant to them to
know people care,? said volunteer Peggy Baker. ?Many tears have been
shed by soldiers when they see us and they talk about the fact these
were there and couldn't believe there was something waiting for them.?
That small token of appreciation goes a long way to brighten the day
of soldiers wounded in combat.

?For all of us, every single one of us, it's the best non-paying job
we've ever had,? volunteer Liz Fuentes said.

Volunteers stuff clothing, personal hygiene items and other non-
perishables into the combat backpacks. They say it's a labor of love.
?Because they need it, because they give me the freedoms to do what
I want to do and they need my support,? volunteer Vicky Carter said.
Volunteers know first hand their work is appreciated and desperately
needed by those who tend the wounded.

?We actually follow the soldiers from ...Click Here to continue



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