
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Iraq War News
US soldiers kill top Zarqawi aide, as Iraqi leaders pledge peace: "US forces announced they killed an aide to Musab al-Zarqawi -- suspected of being Osama bin Laden's chief operative in Iraq -- as 30 religious and political leaders signed an agreement to promote harmony among the country's multiple ethnic groups. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

UN Electoral Team Expected to Return to Iraq Soon: "The United Nations is preparingto send an expert team back to Iraq within two weeks to helppave the war for elections next year, U.N. officials said onTuesday. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Clout of Iraq's Shiite clergy growing: "After a two-hour meeting, the provincial council finally came to a solution to resolve a dispute over whether it is a legitimate political institution - ask the ayatollah."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Officers Being Trained at Base in Jordan to Lead New Iraqi Army: "The army is just one piece of a security architecture that is new and increasingly Iraqi, including police officers and a civil defense corps."

In New York Times: World Special

Anti-U.S. Kurdish Militants Rebounding, Officials Say: "Ansar al-Islam is making a resurgence, branching out to cities across Iraq and planning suicide bombings against the American-led occupation."

In New York Times: World Special

Sharon: whistleblower to be supervised: "Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decided Tuesday that a whistleblower who spilled Israel's nuclear secrets will not be re-arrested after his release from prison but will be kept under supervision, a government statement said."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

CIA director asked by Senate committee to explain extent of Iraq threat: "Lawmakers pressed CIA Director George Tenet on recent comments he made about having told the White House that prior to the war Iraq had not posed an imminent threat to the United States. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

UN Electoral Team Expected to Return to Iraq Soon: "The United Nations is preparingto send an expert team back to Iraq within two weeks to helppave the war for elections next year, U.N. officials said onTuesday. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Hans Blix Says Iraq War Was Unfounded: "Former chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix argued Tuesday Saddam Hussein had not been an immediate threat, making the justification for the war against Iraq unfounded. (AP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Official: Iraq Council may miss deadline: "The Iraqi Governing Council may not meet the Feb. 28 deadline to draft a temporary law that would help govern Iraq until a formal constitution is adopted, U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte said Tuesday."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

UN says Iraq elections possible within a year; US warns foreign militants: "The United Nations said credible elections were possible in Iraq within a year if planning started immediately, while the United States warned foreign elements against attempts to destabilise the country. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Iraqi Governing Council wants deal with UN for elections by year's end: "Iraq's interim Governing Council wants an agreement with the United Nations for general elections to be held by the end of the year, one of its members told reporters. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Canadian film may put Nader on Radar (24 Feb 04) in Radio Free USA

Top Iraqi Insurgent Aide Killed: "
A man believed to have been a top aide of an insurgent with links to al Qaeda has been killed in a U.S. raid in the central Iraqi town of Habbaniya, an Army spokesman said Tuesday.
Abu Mohammed Hamza, an explosives expert, was carrying a Jordanian passport when the military found his body after a raid Thursday, the Army said.

A search of the house where Hamza was staying turned up suicide vests, materials to make bombs and pro-Saddam Hussein material, among other things.

In Command Post: Irak

Congress Urged to Pay for Iraq Marshlands: "The idea of helping Iraq restore its ancient marshlands is getting a bit of fresh interest in Congress. (AP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

U.S. Envoy: Iraqis Still Block Efforts to Find Arms: "Some Iraqis are still refusingto cooperate with the U.S. search for Baghdad's weapons of massdestruction, even after the capture of Saddam Hussein, theUnited States said on Tuesday. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

First Guantanamo prisoners charged: "The US has charged the first foreign prisoners of Guantanamo Bay."

In Ananova: War In Iraq


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