
Saturday, January 17, 2004

KeystoneSoldiers.com Supporting those on the frontline of freedom 

Thursday, January 15 2004 @ 05:13 PM CST
Contributed by: lordzmom
Soldier's Angels, Dan Forant and Keystone Soldiers unite in the Freedom Ride across the United States to symbolize bringing America together coast-to-coast to Support Our Troops On March 1, 2004.

Mr. Forant will have a laptop with video and still picture capability that will transmit his progress to New York City daily. America will be able to watch his progress by visiting this site.

We ask all Americans to rally their communities & please pledge 1-penny for every 3 miles of the journey - approx. $20.00 for the entire trip. Or contribute whatever you'd like. ALL proceeds go directly to benefit our troops.

Soldiers Angels was formed in July of 2003 by Patti Patton-Bader, Mother of SPC Brandon Varn stationed in Iraq. Soldier's Angels mission is to provide aid and comfort to any armed forces fighting for freedom and their families. Soldier's Angels have to date sent over 2,000 packages to Soldiers deployed, helped the wounded at 3 major military hospitals and aided many families.

Cyclists everywhere along the route are encouraged to join us in the ride, for as long as you like. Be a part of history in the making.

The route begins in Albany N.Y. on March 1, 2004 and works it's way to Ground Zero in NYC. From there Dan will be heading through Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana before connecting with historic Route 66 in Illinois.

The full route will be published in the very near future so keep us bookmarked in your favorites so you can follow us from sea to shining sea.

We will also have a direct link through PayPal for your donations posted here. We hope you will join Keystone Soldiers in showing your support for our troops. No donation is too small and every penny goes to care packages and assistance for our soldiers and their families.

KeystoneSoldiers.com Supporting those on the frontline of freedom


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