
Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Iraq war news
U.S. arrests wife of Saddam deputy: "U.S. troops arrested the wife and daughter of a top Saddam Hussein deputy suspected of masterminding attacks on U.S. troops, and a major pipeline linking northern Iraqi oilfields to the country's biggest refinery was ablaze Wednesday."

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press

Palestinians salute U.S. on Israeli loan: "Palestinian officials on Wednesday welcomed a U.S. decision to deduct $289.5 million from loan guarantees to Israel, but said the penalty was insufficient to force Israel to stop building a security barrier or to end continued settlement building."

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press

Yemen arrests leading al-Qaida member: "Yemeni security forces captured a man described as one of the country's top al-Qaida leaders and the suspected mastermind of the suicide bombing of the USS Cole, after surrounding his hide-out west of the capital."

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press

U.S. troops get taste of home on holiday: "Far from the family Thanksgiving table and miles from Mom's turkey and stuffing, American troops deployed overseas during the holidays can still get a taste of home on Thanksgiving."

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press


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