
Sunday, November 23, 2003

Iraq War News
British troops in Iraq arrest Australian man suspected of ties to Saddam: "Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said an Australian man, suspected of being a Saddam Hussein loyalist, had been arrested by British troops in Iraq. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Republican Governors Voice Concerns on Iraq: "Republicans at a governors' association meeting raised concerns about the Bush administration's ability to communicate its policies on Iraq."

In New York Times: World Special

Iraq Picks American as Ambassador to U.S.: "BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 22 ? An Iraqi-American activist whose foundation has spent much of the last decade devising visions of democratic rule for Iraq and lobbying for a war crimes trial of Saddam Hussein, will become the country's diplomatic representative in Washington, Iraqi political leaders said Saturday."

In New York Times: World Special

Iraqi Town Relishes Freedom, but Resentment Runs Beneath: "Kifl, a small, dusty village on the Euphrates, is one measure of America's halting progress since Saddam Hussein's overthrow."

In New York Times: World Special


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