
Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Bush to find warmth, antagonism in London: "President Bush is joining with America's staunchest ally in the war in Iraq for a state visit that promises contrasting pictures of elegant ceremonies at Buckingham Palace and noisy street protests by thousands of anti-war demonstrators."

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press

Muhammad seeks to avoid death sentence: "Was John Allen Muhammad a man who tenderly looked after his children while they lived in a shelter, or a callous killer who deserves to die for masterminding the Washington area sniper shootings?"

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press

U.N. agency begins Afghan withdrawl: "The U.N. refugee agency began pulling foreign staff out of large swaths of southern and eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday in the wake of the killing of a French worker, a decision that could affect tens of thousands of Afghan returnees."

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press

Bomb blast wounds 2 U.S. troops in Mosul: "A bomb blast wounded two U.S. soldiers Tuesday in the northern city of Mosul while U.S. aircraft and tanks blasted trees and abandoned buildings along a road north of Baghdad to deny insurgents cover for rocket attacks."

In JuneauEmpire.com: Associated Press


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