
Friday, October 03, 2003

Iraq war updates
GIs come under fire in Fallujah, Iraq: "U.S. soldiers came under fire Thursday near the Fallujah mayor's office and killed one of their attackers, an American officer said, while a witness said a U.S. convoy was attacked southeast of the volatile city."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Iraq weapons inspector to brief Congress: "The CIA's special adviser in the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq begins two days of closed-door meetings in Congress on Thursday, and lawmakers don't expect him to announce any major discoveries."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

U.S. Army patrol kills attacker: "U.S. soldiers came under fire Thursday near the Fallujah mayor's office and killed one of their attackers, an American officer said. None of the Americans was hurt in the attack by three gunmen."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Iraqi Town Remains Flash Point: "A day after three American soldiers were killed in separate attacks in Iraq, U.S. soldiers came under fire near the Fallujah mayor's office and killed one of their attackers. Witnesses also said a U.S. convoy was attacked outside the city."

In CBS News: Iraq Crisis

Saddam's WMDs 'may all have been a bluff': "The man in charge of trying to find Iraqi weapons of mass destruction is expected to say Saddam Hussein's threat to launch chemical or biological attacks may have been a bluff."

In Ananova: War In Iraq

Coalition forces target oil smugglers: "Smugglers trying to sell Iraqi crude in the regional black market face quicker justice now that coalition ships are patrolling the Gulf waters - and bringing Iraqi judges on board to issue rulings."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Blair's Party Criticizes Iraq Involvement: "Tony Blair's unflinching defense of the war in Iraq has failed to stifle anger in his own Labor Party, with opponents calling it a "war for oil" and a "crime." (AP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq


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