Sunday, October 05, 2003
1,200 weapons inspectors spent 90 days in Iraq in (English)
Charm offensive: the Army's secret weapon in the battle for Iraqi hearts in (English)
Troops kill rioters in Baghdad and Basra in (English)
C.I.A. Chief Is Caught in Middle by Leak Inquiry in (English)
Government Lawyers Fear 9/11 Ruling Threatens Qaeda Cases in (English)
President Says Report on Arms Vindicates War in (English)
What Inspectors Saw, and Didn't See in (English)
Ambush Kills U.S. Soldier in Iraq in (English)
Iraqi Civilians Caught in Crossfire of Guerrilla War in (English)
U.S. soldiers under fire for Iraqi wives in (English)
Saddam rooked by North Koreans in (English)
Families: Guardsmen investigated after marrying Iraqis in (English)
'We found nothing, despite Saddam's ambitions' in (English)
Survey chief led calls to oust Iraqi dictator in (English)
Israeli tank commander charged over killings in (English)
US pilots trained to shoot down hijacked planes in (English)
Israel strikes terrorist base in Syria: "Israeli warplanes attacked an Islamic Jihad training base deep in Syria in retaliation for a suicide bombing at a Haifa restaurant that killed 19 people, the army said Sunday. Israeli media said it was the first Israeli attack on Syrian soil in more than two decades."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq
US military ready to renew its program of "embedding" journalists: "The US military found the experience of "embedding" journalists in combat units during the Iraq conflict so positive that both the brass and the journalists believe it should be used again in the next big conflict. (AFP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
U.S. raid uncovers bomb material in Iraq: "U.S. troops raided the home of a suspected weapons dealer on Sunday, arresting him and seizing blasting caps and other materials often used by Iraqi insurgents to build the roadside bombs that target American soldiers."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq
U.S. Raid Uncovers Bomb Material in Iraq: "U.S. troops raided the home of a suspected weapons dealer on Sunday, arresting him and seizing blasting caps and other materials often used by Iraqi insurgents to build the roadside bombs that target American soldiers. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
Iraqi Ex-Soldiers Clash with British Troops, 5 Hurt: "British troops fired rubber bulletsSunday to disperse hundreds of former soldiers in SaddamHussein's army who rioted in the southern city of Basra,hurling rocks and setting tires ablaze. (Reuters)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq