Monday, September 29, 2003
Command Post: Irak: " Welcome! Our goal is to give you one power-packed briefing of insights, news and trends from Iraq that leaves you stimulated, informed, and occasionally amused every Monday & Thursday. Our " Winds of War " coverage of the global war on terror is a separate briefing today.
Top Topics:
- Even Lebanon's Daily Star is beginning to talk about the good news in Iraq: "In mid-summer, I spent over a month in Iraq. What I found there did not correspond to what was being reported...." Yes, says Dean as he offers a comprehensive collection of links on the subject - we've noticed that. Oskar van Rijswijk explains why it happens . Or is it self-inflicted by the CPA? Or both?
- In resonse, Frank of IMAO has become serious for a change - and unveiled one of the best ideas of the war . We've been publishing a number of those soldiers' writings and links, from Afghanistan , Operation Iraqi Freedom , the 3ACR in the Sunni Triangle post-war, and post-war reports from Tikrit . We're going to keep doing that, and also help Frank & co. while we're at it. (Hat Tip: Cold Fury )
- One of the things that's very different about Iraq is that it's a tribal/kinship society , not a civic society like the U.S.A. The difference matters.
Other Topics Include: Fallujah fighting; U.S. Marines polling; WMD summary; Iraq's Shi'ites; Iraq's odious debts - a U.S. blunder; Reports on Iraq's legal system, infrastructure & industry; Doing business in Iraq; America & Europe; Baghdad Museum report; Which cards have we captured; Support the Troops. Iraq and the 2003 Tigers; Iraqi toy drive; Free the Generals!
read the rest! »