Saturday, September 27, 2003
London and World Protests Oppose Iraq Occupation: "Chanting "Troops out of Iraq and Blairout of Number 10," thousands of anti-war protesters took to thestreets of London on Saturday to demonstrate against Britain'scontinued military involvement in Iraq. (Reuters)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
UN staff continue to flee Baghdad violence, US sets constitution time table: "UN staff continued their exodus from Iraq as a Baghdad hotel housing US officials came under fire, while Washington agreed to a six-month target to draw up a new constitution. (AFP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
Iraqis killed in U.S. checkpoint shooting in CNN - War in Iraq
No end to Baghdad dangers (27 Sept 03) in Radio Free USA
Bush Says 'World Is Safer' Without Saddam: "President Bush sought to reassureAmericans on Saturday that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq wasappropriate despite the failure to find weapons of massdestruction and with U.S. troops under daily guerrilla attack. (Reuters)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
Pentagon taps 10,000 soldiers for Iraq, puts 5,000 more on standby: "The Pentagon has mobilized two US Army National Guard brigades for deployment to Iraq and put a third on standby as US calls for international troop contributions go unheeded. (AFP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq