Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Iraqis hit in Baghdad bus blast in (English)
Iraqi ban on Arab media a 'blow to press freedom' in (English)
Al-Qaeda the winner: Beazley in (English)
US spy planes set to irk N Korea in (English)
U.S. Notes Drop; Asian Central Banks May Cut Treasury Purchases in (English)
US plans to attack seven Muslim states in (English)
With No Plan Apparent, GIs In Iraq Slowly Becoming Frantic in (English)
Illegal immigrant soldier returns from duty in Iraq, faces possible deportation in (English)
Coalition casualties accounted for (Updated 23rd of September) in (English)
Coalition casualties accounted for (Updated 21st of September) in (English)
Sharon says prisoner swap is very close: "Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in remarks published Wednesday that a large-scale swap of prisoners with Lebanese guerrillas is closer than ever, but will still require the approval of the Israeli Cabinet."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq
Arabs criticize Bush's U.N. speech: "President Bush's speech to the United Nations offered nothing new and showed little grasp of Middle Eastern realities, Arabs said Wednesday."
In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq
Iraq returns to OPEC in boost to US-backed government: "Iraq returned to its first OPEC meeting since the US-led war to unseat Saddam Hussein, marking a new step towards international recognition for the US-backed interim government in Baghdad. (AFP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
Condition of Shot Iraqi Councilor Worsens: "The health of Aquila al-Hashimi, one of three women on Iraq's Governing Council, has taken a turn for the worse, four days after she was shot in a brazen daylight assassination attempt, a spokesman for the Iraqi Governing Council said Wednesday. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
Postwar Iraq Reopens U.S., U.N. Divide: "The difficult reconstruction of postwar Iraq has reopened the divide between the United States and the United Nations despite a softer tone by President Bush. (AP)"
In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq
Bomb Rips Into Buses In Baghdad: "A homemade bomb exploded along a road in the Iraqi capital, missing a U.S. military patrol but killing at least one Iraqi and injuring almost two dozen others as it destroyed two civilian buses, police said."
In CBS News: Iraq Crisis
U.S. military responses imperil journalists: "Overaggressive reactions by U.S. military forces in Iraq are putting journalists and other civilians in unnecessary danger, Human Rights Watch said today. On August 17, US forces shot and killed Reuters cameraman, Mazen Dana. He was the 12th journalist killed in Iraq since the beginning of the war."
In Electronic Iraq