
Saturday, July 26, 2003

Philippines Coup Plot  

Philippines Coup Plot
1:48 pm PST, 26 July 2003

The Philippine's President has ordered the army and police to arrest a small band of rogue junior officers and armed deserters following rumours of a coup.

The armed forces chief of staff says the suspects will be charged with mutiny and conspiracy to commit rebellion. They are still at large.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's move came after the most influential church leader in the country, Cardinal Jaime Sin, warned of ongoing plots to overthrow the government.

The president says she has resolved the matter directly with the troops after hearing one group's grievances about pay and internal reforms.

But Mrs Arroyo said rebellious soldiers would be court martialled for breaking the chain of command and the law.

President Arroyo has faced coup rumours in the past over questions about her legitimacy as leader and graft in her government.

In the latest development, up to 30 rogue soldiers have set up explosives at a shopping mall in Manila's financial and diplomatic quarter.

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World News
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