
Wednesday, June 04, 2003

War Blog Iraq War Updates
Soldiers flown back to barracks after 'beating': "Two British soldiers have been ordered out of Iraq, after the alleged beating of Iraqi prisoners of war."

In Ananova: War In Iraq

Acting in the name of democracy?: " The latest Pew Research Center poll showed a huge increase in global animosity toward the US, resulting..."

In Catalyzer Newsroom

Two British Soldiers Accused of Beating Iraqi POW: "Two British soldiers have been sent homefrom Iraq after being accused of hitting an Iraqi prisoner andBritish troops are being questioned over the deaths of twoother POWs, the Ministry of Defense said on Wednesday. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Close race is seen in Jerusalem mayoral: "An ultra-Orthodox candidate fought for the mayor's seat in Jerusalem in a close election Tuesday, while the once powerful Labor Party did not field a candidate here or in balloting in the longtime Labor stronghold, Haifa."

In Seattle Post-Intelligencer: War on Iraq

Group of Eight leaders unite behind Iraqi reconstruction: "Leaders of major industrialized nations agreed to work together to help rebuild Iraq in spite of lingering disputes over the justification for the US-led attack that unseated Saddam Hussein's Baath party regime. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq


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