
Friday, May 30, 2003

War Blog Updates
U.S.-Led Engineers Strive to Restore Iraq Power: "U.S.-led engineers, bombarded bycomplaints, have restored Iraq's power supply almost to ricketypre-war levels, but Baghdad's five million people get less thanin Saddam Hussein's era. (Reuters)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

British soldier grilled over Iraq 'torture photos': "Military police questioned a British soldier in custody after photographs emerged showing troops allegedly "torturing" Iraqi prisoners of war, the Ministry of Defence said. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Infiltrators entering Iraq, US says, as it struggles to restore calm: "US President George W. Bush acknowledged lawlessness was gripping Iraq but insisted US forces were making progress in the new battle to establish order, as the occupying US-led coalition claimed religious hardliners from abroad were trying to destabilize the country. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

US says suspect in murder of Iraq Shiites released in error: "US military forces last week mistakenly released an Iraqi suspected of being involved in the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims after the 1991 Gulf War, US Central Command said. (AFP)"

In Yahoo! News: War with Iraq

Iraqi mass murderer freed in mix-up: "The US has admitted it accidentally released a former Iraqi official accused of being involved in the murder of thousands of Shiites."

In Ananova: War In Iraq

MoD investigates 'torture' pictures: "The Ministry of Defence is investigating whether British soldiers mistreated Iraqi PoWs after photographs showing scenes of alleged 'torture' were discovered."

In Ananova: War In Iraq


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